- Expansion Screws, LewaDental, Standart Series, Ортодонтична продукція
Arched expansion screws standart series LewaDental
- Arched expansion screws crowded, narrow maxillary. Skeleton type with retention holes. Wide double guidance ensures highest reliability and stability. Housing out of galvanic coated nickel-silver. Threat spindle and guiding pins are made of stainless steel. Lightning yellow direction arrow.
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- Nano Series
Expansion Screws LewaDental Nano Series
- Miniaturized expansion screws for various use. Nano – expansion screws for transversal or distal movement in the lower arch, also for transversal movement in maxilla by restricted space.
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- Expansion Screws, LewaDental, Medium Series, Ортодонтична продукція
Expansion screws medium series LewaDental
- Skeletal micro – expansion screws for universal use in maxilla and mandibular. For transversal and distal movement. Lightning yellow direction arrow.
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- Expansion Screws, LewaDental, Micro Series, Ортодонтична продукція
Expansion Screws Micro Series LewaDental
- Skeletal micro – expansion screws for universal use. Suitable for transversal movement in the lower arch, also for transversal movement in maxilla by restricted space. Very filigree screws by good sturdiness. Lightning yellow direction arrow.
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- Expansion Screws, LewaDental, Standart Series, Ортодонтична продукція
Mandibular expansion screws standart series LewaDental
- Standard expansion screws for mandibular. Skeleton type with retention holes. Highest reliability and stability. Housing out of galvanical coated nickel-silver. Threat spindle and guiding pins are made of stainless Steel. Lightning yellow direction arrow.
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- Expansion Screws, LewaDental, Stainless Series, Ортодонтична продукція
Maxi expansion screws stainless series LewaDental
- Skeleton type for transversal movement in maxilla. Highest reliability and stability because of solid guiding pins with end-stops and wide guiding distance. Large expansion range. Lightning yellow direction arrow.
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- Expansion Screws, LewaDental, Standart Series, Ортодонтична продукція
Maxilla expansion screws standart series LewaDental
- Standard expansion screws for the maxilla. Skeleton type with retention holes. Wide double guidance ensures highest reliability and stability. Housing out of galvanical coated nickel-silver. Threat spindle and guiding pins are made of stainless steel. Lightning yellow direction arrow.
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- Expansion Screws, LewaDental, Stainless Series, Ортодонтична продукція
Maximum expansion screws stainless series LewaDental
- Maximum - expansion screws for high expansion forces and large expansion range. Maximum - expansion screws for high expansion forces and large expansion range. Fixed centrepiece for greater torsional and flexural rigidity when expanded. Stable guiding pins and generously dimensioned threaded spindle for greatest possible safety and force transmission.
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- Expansion Screws, LewaDental, Stainless Series, Ортодонтична продукція
Micro expansion screws stainless series LewaDental
- Stainless Steel micro – expansion screws for universal use. Skeleton type for transversal and distal movement in upper or lower. Very filigree screws by high sturdiness because of solid guiding pins with end-stops. Lightning yellow direction arrow.
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- Expansion Screws, LewaDental, Medium Series, Ортодонтична продукція
Sector screws medium series LewaDental
- Skeletal medium – sector screws for movement of single segments or for distalisation. Different angulated U-shape guide pins make it easier to position the screw in the arch. Lightning yellow direction arrow.
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- Expansion Screws, LewaDental, Micro Series
Sector Screws Micro Series LewaDental
- Skeletal micro – sector screws for single tooth movement or movement of small segments. Also for distal movement in the lower arch. Different angulated U-shape guide pins make it easier to position the screw in the arch. Very filigree screws by good sturdiness. Lightning yellow direction arrow.
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- Expansion Screws, LewaDental, Medium Series, Ортодонтична продукція
Traction screws medium series LewaDental
- Medium traction screw for closure of tooth spaces. Strongly screw with high sturdiness. Features a printed-on black direction arrow.
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Продукція Lewa Dental
Компанія працює для клієнтів, як сімейний бізнес з 1952 року, тепер уже в третьому поколінні. Ми були першим виробником у Німеччині, який виготовляв розширювальні гвинти серійно, починаючи з 1958 року.
Філософія Точна інженерія – наше захоплення. Точність до останньої деталі – це не просто порожнє слово.